To use the GUI spell checker Bean as an integral part of your application simply instantiate it, set the JTextComponent you wish this GUI to spell check and call check(), which will bring up this component in a new JFrame allowing the user to correct their document in the JTextComponent.
Example, note this code is highly simplistic for demonstration purposes, the main window does not even contain a close window event handler.
import com.keyoti.rapidSpell.*; import com.keyoti.rapidSpell.desktop.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class TestGUI extends JFrame { JTextArea box = new JTextArea("This is sume text to check.", 20, 60); RapidSpellGUI rapidGUI = new RapidSpellGUI(); public TestGUI() { //put the text box in the JFrame getContentPane().add(box); //pack and display the JFrame pack(); setVisible(true); //open the GUI spell checker and begin checking the text box. rapidGUI.check( box ); } public static void main(String[] args) { TestGUI t = new TestGUI(); } }